From Farmland to Campus (& Back Again)Sustainability at Seton Hill

Seton Hill’s 200-acre main campus used to be farmland and it’s still a fertile place to learn and grow! As a Seton Hill student, you are welcome to participate in the educational, service and sustainability projects that make use of the University’s campus, greenhouse and gardens. Our gardens also provide a natural space for studying, social gatherings, or quiet reflection.

University Greenhouse & Gardens

Sr. M. Muriel Flamman, SC Greenhouse

  • In 2022, renovation of the greenhouse was completed thanks to a generous anonymous donor. Some of the renovations included a newly cemented floor, a glass partition to separate the greenhouse into two sections, new external "glass" that is unbreakable, and new internal and external signage.
  • In Fall 2023, a mural in the hallway of the greenhouse was painted by an Honors student and includes scenes from our beautiful campus.
  • These renovations allow us to grow plants for use in biology labs and nutrition and dietetics program. There is also much more space for student and faculty research projects, including a hydroponics set-up.

Vegetable Garden

  • A half acre vegetable garden that grows root vegetables for use in Seton Hill dining halls. Vegetable “waste” from dining halls is composted for use on flower gardens.

Sondra's Garden

  • Located between the Administration building and St. Joseph Hall, this newly renovated garden provides a quiet space filled with butterfly-attracting flowers.
  • Dedicated to the memory of Dr. Sondra Lettrich, an education professor at Seton Hill for 26 years, who had a love of butterflies.

Mary's Courtyard

  • Located between the post office and the Greenburg Dining Room, this courtyard was built in 1909.
  • Contains a pond and many varieties of plants, including Magnolia and Flying Dragon trees.

Herb Garden

  • Raised bed herb garden used by Seton Hill’s dining halls and the Nutrition and Dietetics Program.

Seton Hill & Sisters of Charity Partnership Gardens

Student Service GraphicSeton Hill’s Founders, the Sisters of Charity, own many acres of land adjoining the Seton Hill campus. Gardens on their land are maintained by the Sisters in cooperation with Seton Hill.

Rotating Vegetable Gardens

  • These gardens grow vegetables used for Sister of Charity dining halls and Westmoreland Community Food Bank. A solar panel on the roof of the gardens’ storage shed provides electricity for security lighting and machinery needed to till the garden.

Bee & Butterfly Garden  

  • Flower garden that supports butterflies and bees, and also contains a bat house.

Peace Garden 

  • A wildflower garden with benches for peaceful reflection. A “river” of bluebells flows between “banks” of golden and red flowers that represent Seton Hill’s school colors. 

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